Japan + 81 8030 441649 Russia + 7 9147 130000 Vladivostok +7 914 4625450 Chita
How to get your car

As soon as you find your desired car from Japanese auction, just let us know the auction name and lot number, if we reach our negotiated target price then the car will your hand soon.

After getting the order from you, we will try to buy.If we successfully buy we will inform you on the same day with details.if we failed to buy then do not need to worry because there will be the same car in the next Auction. TMT is legally connected with all Japanese live and tender auction.

After successfully buy your car, we will give you an invoice. The shipping procedure will start after reflect your payment to our designated bank account. The account information will be in the invoice

We will inform you after getting your payment. Your car will be shipped soon when we complete the documentation.

We use the most reputed transporter for our customer satisfaction. Your car will go any of the Japanese nearest port or your designated port or location as well

As soon as your car arrives in our designated location well will send you up to 20/25 photo with safely arriving confirmation. We used a highly secured place for our customer's satisfaction.